sar's blog


Analysis of an APT41 rootkit

Recently I wanted to analyse some malware kernel code, so I downloaded an APT41 sample from

Here are some basic infos about the sample:

Size: 12928
SHA1: a34591abefb327e3aa317ca49b0246caae8d7c5d
type: PE32 executable (native) Intel 80386, for MS Windows

I will not talk about the infection chain or APT41. It's just a technical analysis of the malware code. The sample popped on virus total during 2015 but is probably a bit older than that, as its compilation date is 2011 and because Securelist talked about a similar sample during 2013.

We'll see in the analysis that the driver targets old Windows versions, from 2000 to Vista.



The driver has two objectives, hide connections on the system, and eventually block some others. We´ll see that it achieves this by hooking very specific functions, and by initiating a cover channel with userland by adding functionalities to a syscall.

The driver starts by calling the routine IoCreateDevice with FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN (0x22) as DeviceType, FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN (0x100) as DeviceCharacteristics and \\Device\\PORTLESS_DeviceName as DeviceName.

As the created object is not used at all by the driver, we can easily guess that this is used as a mutex, just to be sure that the driver isn't loaded multiple time in memory.

call to IoCreateDevice

Its next step is to retrieve the address of the global data IoDriverObjectType with MmGetSystemRoutineAddress. It will use this data to find and delete itself in the struct _LIST_ENTRY TypeList, but more on that later.

loading IoDriverObjectType

I wrote above that the driver targets multiple versions of Windows. As it will perform precise hooking in the kernel, it needs to know the version of the running system. This is done by retrieving the value of NtBuildNumber, and setting global variables accordingly (some critical structures used by the driver differs between systems). For example, _OBJECT_TYPE changed in Windows Vista SP1. Here are the differences:

// _OBJECT_TYPE in Vista SP1
    struct _LIST_ENTRY TypeList;                                       //0x0
    struct _UNICODE_STRING Name;                                       //0x8
    VOID* DefaultObject;                                               //0x10
    ULONG Index;                                                       //0x14
    ULONG TotalNumberOfObjects;                                        //0x18
    ULONG TotalNumberOfHandles;                                        //0x1c
    ULONG HighWaterNumberOfObjects;                                    //0x20
    ULONG HighWaterNumberOfHandles;                                    //0x24
    struct _OBJECT_TYPE_INITIALIZER TypeInfo;                          //0x28
    struct _ERESOURCE Mutex;                                           //0x78
    struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK TypeLock;                                     //0xb0
    ULONG Key;                                                         //0xb4
    struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK ObjectLocks[32];                              //0xb8
    struct _LIST_ENTRY CallbackList;                                   //0x138

// _OBJECT_TYPE in Win2003 SP2
    struct _ERESOURCE Mutex;                                           //0x0
    struct _LIST_ENTRY TypeList;                                       //0x38
    struct _UNICODE_STRING Name;                                       //0x40
    VOID* DefaultObject;                                               //0x48
    ULONG Index;                                                       //0x4c
    ULONG TotalNumberOfObjects;                                        //0x50
    ULONG TotalNumberOfHandles;                                        //0x54
    ULONG HighWaterNumberOfObjects;                                    //0x58
    ULONG HighWaterNumberOfHandles;                                    //0x5c
    struct _OBJECT_TYPE_INITIALIZER TypeInfo;                          //0x60
    ULONG Key;                                                         //0xac
    struct _ERESOURCE ObjectLocks[4];                                  //0xb0

The offset of TypeList in these two versions differs by an offset of 0x38 bytes. The driver will adjust its code regarding the Windows version.

Using these checks, we can guess that the driver is able to run on the following list of Windows versions:


We can notice that the code adjustment for the offset of TypeList in not properly handled in Windows Vista. Running this driver on that system probably leads to a BSOD because of that.

Shortly after, the driver retrieves its name (function at 0x10e72) and hash it with the following algorithm (function at 0x10df6).

sum = 0
for c in name:
    sum = (sum * 3) + (sum >> 1) + c.upper()
sum %= 0x25


Everything is set up for the driver to makes hooking works. The driver will hook 3 differents functions to do its job.


This hook is probably the trickiest, as IPSecHandlePacket is not an exported function easily accessible. Its name was leaked in 2020 with the Windows XP leak.

Let's break this, step by step. The driver starts by checking the Windows system version yet again. It is important to note that this hook is performed only on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. All other supported vestions are ignored. It then looks for the driver named ipsec.sys in memory, and retrieves its base address and size (function at 0x117bc). Then, it looks for two specific patterns in the loaded driver, in order to locate IPSecHandlePacket (function at 0x118a0). Finally, the driver creates a shellcode, and write a trampoline in the target function to that shellcode (function at 0x11b82).

Here are more details. The driver lists all loaded modules by calling ZwQuerySystemInformation with SystemInformationClass equal to SystemModuleInformation (0xb). The system returns an array of _RTL_PROCESS_MODULES in a pool memory region previously allocated by the driver with the tag Ipsp.

The driver loops over the array, looking for ipsec.sys in the member FullPathName. When it does find it, it stores the members ImageBase and ImageSize, and exits the function.

Now that the driver found ipsec.sys in memory, it will start looking for a very specific pattern in it. The pattern is the following array of 5 bytes 0x8b 0x4e 0x18 0x0f 0xc9. By downloading ipsec.sys from a Windows XP system, we quickly find the pattern.

          LAB_00018a95                          XREF[1]:  00018a8b(j)  
00018a95    ff 0d 40        DEC           dword ptr [DAT_0001fc40]
            fc 01 00
          LAB_00018a9b                          XREF[1]:  00018a93(j)  
00018a9b    ff 0d 38        DEC           dword ptr [DAT_0001fc38]
            fc 01 00
00018aa1    8b 4e 18        MOV           ECX,dword ptr [ESI + 0x18]
00018aa4    0f c9           BSWAP         ECX
00018aa6    b8 00 00        MOV           EAX,0xf0000000
            00 f0

The driver then retrieves the 4 bytes located just before the pattern. In our case this is the following bytes 0x38 0xfc 0x01 0x00. It then prepends the bytes 0x39 0x3d, and starts looking for this new pattern in ipsec.sys.

Again, there's only one occurence in the memory.

00012042    0f 85 9c        JNZ           LAB_000120e4
            00 00 00
          LAB_00012048                          XREF[2]:  00010366(j), 0001202a(j)  
00012048    39 3d 38        CMP           dword ptr [DAT_0001fc38],EDI
            fc 01 00
0001204e    0f 84 3c        JZ            LAB_00010390
            e3 ff ff
00012054    33 c9           XOR           ECX,ECX

By looking at the Windows 2003 source code, we can guess that the piece of code above appears to be in the function IPSecHandlePacket.

The driver now has everything to prepare the hooking ! It allocated 0x2a bytes using ExAllocatedPoolWithTag and the tag Tag1, then fill the memory with the following shellcode.

0x0:    pushad 
0x1:    pushfd  
0x2:    mov eax, esp
0x4:    add eax, 4
0x7:    push    eax
0x8:    call    0xaaaaaaaa
0xd:    pop eax
0xe:    popfd   
0xf:    popad   
0x10:   nop 
0x11:   nop 
0x12:   nop 
0x13:   nop 
0x14:   nop 
0x15:   nop 
0x16:   nop 
0x17:   nop 
0x18:   nop 
0x19:   nop 
0x1a:   nop 
0x1b:   nop 
0x1c:   nop 
0x1d:   nop 
0x1e:   nop 
0x1f:   nop 
0x20:   nop 
0x21:   nop 
0x22:   nop 
0x23:   nop 
0x24:   push    0xbbbbbbbb
0x29:   ret 

The driver embed a LDE (Length Disassembler Engine) in order to compute the length of instructions in memory. The LDE is the function at 0x11a21.

The driver uses the LDE to compute the length of the instructions located at the address of the pattern it found in IPSecHandlePacket. It needs to find the number of bytes to copy when it'll replace the bytes with its trampoline. The trampoline is 5 bytes, so the driver is looking for the minimal number of bytes greater or equal to 5 that will not end in the middle of an instruction.

For example, if you want to hook the code

50              push eax
6878560000      push 0x5678
83c02a          add eax, 42

You need to copy 6 bytes instead of 5, overwise you'll not be able to execute the second instruction in your hooking function.

In the driver's shellcode, the value 0xaaaaaaaa is replaced with the address of the hook, the nop are filled with the copied bytes (that were replaced by the trampoline), and 0xbbbbbbbb is replaced with the address right after the trampoline. Finally, a small piece of code is added after the stolen instruction to perform a check on the return of the hooking function.

This gives the following shellcode.

0x0:    pushad
0x1:    pushfd  
0x2:    mov eax, esp
0x4:    add eax, 4
0x7:    push    eax
0x8:    call    0x11984                 // This is the call to the hook
0xd:    pop eax
0xe:    popfd   
0xf:    popad
0x10:   cmp dword ptr [0x1fc38], edi    // Copied instruction (erased by trampoline)
0x16:   je  0x1a
0x18:   cmp eax, edi                    // Check on the return value of the hook
0x1a:   nop 
0x1b:   nop 
0x1c:   nop 
0x1d:   nop 
0x1e:   nop 
0x1f:   nop 
0x20:   nop 
0x21:   nop 
0x22:   nop 
0x23:   nop 
0x24:   nop 
0x25:   push    0x1204e                 // Return to the original function
0x2a:   ret 

On the other hand, the driver write the trampoline in ipsec.sys code. To do it, it changes the bit Write Protect of the control register CR0 to 0. According to wikipedia, when this bit is set, the CPU can't write to read-only pages when privilege level is 0.

The hook function is pretty simple. Its parameter is an array of registers, that is the result of the pushad instruction at the very beginning of the shellcode. The hook checks for the value of *(ebp + 8), which is, because of the trampoline, the first argument of the function IPSecHandlePacket. By looking at the Windows 2003 source code, we can notice that the first parameter of this function is a IN PUCHAR pIPHeader which is basically a raw IP header. The hook function looks for *(pIPHeader + 0x10) and *(pIPHeader + 0xc), which are respectively the values of IpDest and IpSrc in the header, and compare them with some values in its .data section. It then sets eax accordingly.

As edi is equal to 0 at the beginning of the shellcode, the check at 0x18 on the returned value will set the ZF (ZeroFlag) if the IpDest or IpSrc match a certain value. Looking at the Windows 2003 source code again, we can see that in that case, IPSecRecvPacket and IPSecSendPacket are never reached.

This means that this hook acts like a very simple and very low level firewall on the system. If an IP address is added (we'll see later how) to the blocklist, the hook will reject every packet sending to or receiving from to this address.


Before starting to hook NtDeviceIoControlFile, the driver initialize a mutex in the function at 0x11cdc, using KeInitializeMutex.

Init mutex

The driver retrieves the address of NtDeviceIoControlFile from its imports and starts to look for a pattern 0x5d 0xc2 0x28 0x00 around this address.

Here's the disassembly of NtDeviceIoControlFile on Windows XP.

8057924a 8bff            mov     edi,edi
8057924c 55              push    ebp
8057924d 8bec            mov     ebp,esp
8057924f 6a01            push    1
80579251 ff752c          push    dword ptr [ebp+2Ch]
80579254 ff7528          push    dword ptr [ebp+28h]
80579257 ff7524          push    dword ptr [ebp+24h]
8057925a ff7520          push    dword ptr [ebp+20h]
8057925d ff751c          push    dword ptr [ebp+1Ch]
80579260 ff7518          push    dword ptr [ebp+18h]
80579263 ff7514          push    dword ptr [ebp+14h]
80579266 ff7510          push    dword ptr [ebp+10h]
80579269 ff750c          push    dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
8057926c ff7508          push    dword ptr [ebp+8]
8057926f e8be6f0000      call    nt!NtWriteFile+0x3340 (80580232)
80579274 5d              pop     ebp
80579275 c22800          ret     28h

We can see the pattern at the very end of the function. Once the driver found this pattern, it saves the address of the original call then call the function at 0x1111a with 3 parameters:

The function at 0x1111a has one purpose: finding a code cave to place the jump to the hook function.

It achieves this by looking for the pattern 0xcccccccc around the address passed as the second argument (in our case IoAttachDeviceByPointer). Once it find the pattern, it will overwrite the 0xcccccccc with the following trampoline.

0x0:    68XXXXXXXX      push addr 
0x5:    c3              ret 

The interesting trick here is the way the driver copy the trampoline in memory, as the memory is marked as READ_ONLY. The driver will use Memory Descriptor List to mark the memory as writable. This trick can be find on the internet and involves calling several APIs such as IoAllocateMdl, MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool, and MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache. To make it simple, let's say that changing memory rights involves creating a Memory Descript List using IoAllocateMdl, then the call to MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool is used to fill the MDL with the physical pages number. The memory rights are changed by setting the bit MDL_MAPPED_TO_SYSTEM_VA to the member MdlFlags of the MDL structure. Finally, MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache is called to commit the change to the virtual memory.

Mdl trick

This method is used in several places in the driver's code, mostly as a memcpy alternative on read-only memory.

The driver finally update the original call in NtDeviceIoControlFile to the newly created trampoline.

So here's quick resume of the NtDeviceIoControlFile hook:

The driver starts by finding the address of a call to a function in the code of NtDeviceIoControlFile. The address of this call is saved, and the driver looks for a code cave around IoAttackDeviceByPointer. Once it's find, it writes the trampoline in the code cave using the Memory Descriptor List trick, as the memory is marked as READ_ONLY. Finally, it overwrite the call to a function in NtDeviceIoControlFile by a call to the trampoline.

Let's have a look at the hook function.

The function is located at 0x10ace and starts by calling the original function. It then checks for the Windows version, and calls the function at 0x116a6 if the system is prior to Windows Vista. It calls 0x11702 otherwise.

These two functions are very similar, and have been written to achieve the same goal on different Windows systems.

Some checks are performed on InputBuffer inside both of the functions.

These functions check the conditions for the "real" hook function to be called. If the parameters do not pass the checks, the function return without doing anything.

The value 0x120003 corresponds to ioctl IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX, which is described on msdn as an operation that retrieves information from the TCP/IP driver.

According to microsoft, the input buffer must be a pointer to the following structure

typedef struct tcp_request_query_information_ex_w2k 
    TDIObjectID ID;
    uchar       Context[CONTEXT_SIZE];

where CONTEXT_SIZE is 16, and TDIObjectID is the following.

typedef struct TDIObjectID 
    TDIEntityID toi_entity;
    ulong       toi_class;
    ulong       toi_type;
    ulong       toi_id;
} TDIObjectID;

typedef struct TDIEntityID 
    ulong tei_entity;
    ulong tei_instance;
} TDIEntityID;

As SIZEOF(TCP_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX_W2K) equals 0x24. We now understand the meaning of the inital length check, and several others ( toi_entity.tei_entity must equals 0x400 which is CO_NL_ENTITY, and toi_id must equal 0x100, 0x102 or 0x110. These enums aren't well documented, but are known to format the structure of output buffer).

I will not go into details of the hook, as most of the code is basically some multiple version of the same operation, duplicated because of the different structure an output buffer can be, or because of the different Windows versions supported.

The goal is simple: hide specific communication from the running system by removing the entries in the table when a query is made. The hook function loops over the output buffer, looking for specific IPs and ports, and will remove these entries from the array when they are found. For example, running the netstat command will internaly call NtDeviceIoControlFile with IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX as IoControlCode , and the connections will not appear. Once again, these IPs and ports aren't hard-coded, but are managed from userland using the last hook the driver perform: the NtSetQuotaInformationFile hook.


This hook is the most important one, as it allows controls over the driver from userland.

Its setup is mostly the same as NtDeviceIoControlFile. This time, the driver looks for a code cave around IoRaiseHardError and overwrite READ_ONLY memory using the same MDL trick.

Once again, let's have a look at NtSetQuotaInformationFile on Windows XP.

8057b7de 8bff            mov     edi,edi
8057b7e0 55              push    ebp
8057b7e1 8bec            mov     ebp,esp
8057b7e3 6a00            push    0
8057b7e5 ff7514          push    dword ptr [ebp+14h]
8057b7e8 ff7510          push    dword ptr [ebp+10h]
8057b7eb ff750c          push    dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
8057b7ee ff7508          push    dword ptr [ebp+8]
8057b7f1 e8cc5c0000      call    nt!NtWriteFile+0x45d0 (805814c2)
8057b7f6 5d              pop     ebp
8057b7f7 c21000          ret     10h

The driver is looking for the sequence 0x5d 0xc2 0x10 0x00 which we can find at the end of the function, and will replace the destination of the call just before. On Windows Vista, it searches for 0x8b 0xec 0x5d 0xe9.

Let's analyze the hook function. We can notice that the function will enter the hook only if the first parameter (HANDLE FileHandle) equals -2. If not, the normal operation is performed.

NtSetQuotaInformationFile hook

The driver simply add an operation for an existing system call. This new operation can perform the 3 following tasks:

The first 4 bytes of the Buffer parameter indicates which task to perform. Then the 4 next bytes indicates the length of the options. Then the buffer contains N options describing informations for the different tasks.

For example, if we want to hide from the system the connection from on port 4444, we can call the newly system call with the following arguments NtSetQuotaInformationFile(-2, IoStatusBlock, Buffer, 14); with buffer formatted as below.


The task 0x2000 does not take any option as parameter, and will simply remove the driver from different linked list in memory (InLoadOrderLinks, _OBJECT_TYPE->TypeList, \\Driver directory's object, ...).

The task 0x4000 helps adding or removing entries for the firewall database. The entries have some uncompleted members, as they can be set but are not used by the firewall. For example, it's possible to specify a port to the firewall, but it will not be used. The firewall will block the corresponding IP address on any ports.

Here are the buffer format for adding the entry to the block entry of the firewall.


And for removing an entry.



This sample was really cool to look at, even if it's small (~12Kb), old (2011) , and not obfuscated at all, somes of the technics used were pretty interesting. The driver was clearly in development at that time, as we noticed the unused members of the firewall's block entry structure.

Feel free to contact me if you have some questions about it :).

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